Family Flavors: A New Cooking Series

Active Plus is happy to announce a new hands-on culinary program with our partner SCAN-Harbor, a program that falls under our nutrition pillar. Family Flavors will introduce youth and their families to living a healthy lifestyle through cooking, adapted to the needs of their community. This program introduces participants to different cuisines, herbs, spices and cooking techniques!

Kids and their parents are invited to register for this 8-week series. Cooking classes will be held from 12 to 2 PM on Saturdays at Kings Tower. Participants are expected to complete the full 8 weeks. However, if families commit to a minimum of 7 out of the 8 classes, each student age 18 and under will receive a $100 stipend.


December 8th, 2021 - Active Plus Holiday Gathering


Citi Bike Press Release